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Del Maguey Single Village Mezcal - San Luis del Rio

Price: $69.99
Item Number: 1206-1094
The pueblo (village) is at an elevation of approximately 8,000 feet. It is a narrow, hot valley, with steep slopes full of Maguey Espadin. The Rio Hormiga Colorada (Red Ant River) flows through it. You may see Paciano Cruz Nolasco, tending his fields. Above the large fields of Maguey, the tops of the mountains are scattered with cornfields, Iguanas crawling across the road, the trees and cactus with Bromeliads growing on them. 
San Luis Del Rio mezcal has a spicy, fruity and smoky nose with a high note of citrus. It is smooth and warming to the palate, with a clean finish.

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