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Del Maguey Single Village Mezcal - Minero

Price: $69.99
Item Number: 1206-1093
This pueblo has an arid semi-tropical microclimate and great water! Our "Palenqueros" (producers) of Minero, Florencio Carlos Sarmiento and his sons Florencio Carlos Vasquez and Luis Carlos Vasquez, are true craftsmen. Their "Palenque" (site of production) is the most well organized we have seen. They even have a cistern to cool and recycle the water used in the condensation process. The most unique facet of this pueblo, that gives the fruitiness to Minero is that the still is made of clay with bamboo tubing, rather than the usual copper stills and tubing.  Minero has a special fruity and smooth taste ... a nose full of flower essence, vanilla and figs, with a burnt honey flavor and a bit of lemon, deep and warm, sweet all the way to the finish.

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