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Del Maguey Single Village Mezcal - 100% Tobala

Price: $119.95
Item Number: 1206-1090
Tobalá's form is different than the maguey Espadin (Sword) or maguey Azul (Blue). It is smaller and broader leafed. It takes about eight Tobala piñas (hearts) to equal one piña from either of the more commonly propagated and cultivated Magueys /Agaves. 
Whenever one mentions Tobalá in a smaller village, the peoples eyes light up and a broad smile covers their face. They say their Ancestors, in times before the maguey began to be cultivated by man in lower altitude fields, always made their mezcal from this wild plant.  The Tobala has a sweet, fruity nose, with a mango and cinnamon taste and long, extra smooth finish. The pueblo elevation is around 8,200 feet, with a mountainous, tropical microclimate.  Traditionally the high mountain village's government "Municipios" permit their producers to cut Tobalá one month per year. The month before the village's patron saint's fiesta! They normally produce about 400 liters a year, which is almost totally consumed during the fiesta week.

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